Monday, 8 June 2009

Choose My Adventure: Class & Name Suggestions

Okay guys, I've decided to do an interesting experiment. Anyone who knows me knows that I have one or two alts. I admit I love the challenge of levelling up a character from scratch, especially when I don't have much experience with a certain class.

Recently on one of their writers has done a Choose My Adventure sort of thing, where the public who come to the website can decide the various points of a new character for him. They decided his class and race then decided things like professions, talent tree, places to level, etc. I think this is an amazing idea, which leads to my experiment.

I plan to do exactly the same thing :)

This one, however, will be mainly for the Munquis (though if anyone else finds this feel free to take part). I'm gonna make a new alt, from scratch, and you guys are gonna decide much of his fate as I begin the arduous task of levelling him/her up.

First though, some ground rules:

  • As I already have a Warrior, Priest, Paladin and Death Knight at level 80 and a Druid in the high 60s these will not be up for choice on class. It seems a little bit limiting I know but I've already levelled these classes up and have neither the need nor the want to do it again.

  • The various aspects of my new character will be decided by your comments to my blog posts. The amount of time I leave it before I tally up the votes and make a decision will likely vary, so if you wanna follow this thing be sure to keep an eye on the blog.

  • I will not be playing this character every time I'm online in WoW. Apart from the fact I have dailies I wanna do on other characters I also have my Druid to finish levelling and a full time job taking up my time. However as I'm curious to see how this will pan out I will not be neglecting this character and you may feel free to tell me in game to get back to it if it's been too long since I last played.

  • I have done the blogging thing only once or twice so if I'm on the character, please feel free to prod me into writing something about the experience. I'm notorious for forgetting. I also may have trouble thinking of stuff to write about on occasion so also feel free to ask stuff or suggest stuff for the blog.

As I have said, this will all be done on a blog. The main point behind this is to get a feel behind the levelling process, on various aspects from the specific class stuff to general feels of quests and areas within the game. This means that when you guys make the decisions in the various posts you can feel free to make decisions about stuff you've never done but been curious about, stuff you've done before but would interested in a fresh perspective of, or stuff you think will just make it harder for me and drive me nuts! It's your call.

I'm hoping to get this character made soon, so I'm gonna start off with a couple of questions that won't last very long, as I like to get moving quickly whenever I start a new character. So here we go!

The first, and obviously most important question, is which class you want me to play for this little adventure. The class choices available to you are:

  • Mage
  • Warlock
  • Rogue
  • Shaman
  • Hunter

As the blog won't allow me to make polls you'll have to cast your vote by posting a comment on this blog post with your selection. In fact, I want you to make 2 suggestion, which I will give points to. Your first suggestion will get 2 points and your second will get 1. I'll add up the points and whichever class gets the most points is the one I'll go for.

The second thing I want you to do is suggest some names for this character. You can suggest anything you want. I only ask that you don't suggest something with the class or a race in the name, or anything that includes a country. I know you guys aren't likely to suggest stuff with this, but I had to add it to make sure. You can suggest as many names as you like. Once I close the decision on the class I'll take some of the best names and put them up for vote.

So get posting your votes, and let's see what happens :)


  1. my vote goes to mage

  2. I'm not too sure where you're intending to go with this, but from a storytelling point of view picking a hunter or warlock will allow you to occasionally "sit back" and watch your pet do something. Warlocks obviously have that whole "almost evil" thing which might not mesh particularly well with you.

    Looking at the classes you already have I think the only thing a shaman would offer you is elemental spec, if you want pew pew I think Mage/Warlock are probably going to be a better fit.

    I vote 0.5 Hunter and 0.5 Rogue. :p
