Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Close The Gap

I left it a bit too long between updates here, but there's a very good reason for that.

I haven't been on Gadron lately.

It's sort of a mix between me not having the time because of work and raids and wanting to sort out other things on those occasions where I do have the time.

Been doing a few raids with the guys and gals from Bad Apples lately. Been switching between Grenthal and Dryas when doing these, though after an appaullingly low DPS one night I think I'll probably stop taking Dryas. Not really been getting much in the way of gear, though that's more due to very little stuff that's an upgrade for me actually dropping. Plus I lost a couple of rolls.

They've got some very interesting loot rules. Not sure if they'd be all that useful for 10-mans but for 25-mans they're very good. They basically make it more likely that plenty of people will get drops.

Anyway, I'm in the middle of dailies. When I've finished them I may well do some work on Gadron, so watch this space :)

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